The Luther Boys

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sweet Sister

Sweet sister was 11 months old this week! I know I say it ALL the time, but time really does go by so fast the older you get. This little ray of sunshine has brought so much joy to our lives and I can't imagine a life without her. She is the perfect little mix of sass added to our family of rambunctious boys. I can't wait to hear her little voice and hear her telling her big brothers what to do!

I'd have to say her favorite thing right now is FOOD!!! And once again, we have a Dora lover!! She also loves listening to Jason Mraz, another music baby. She can say mama, dada, night night, and bye bye. Her favorite food is probably waffles!!! And I may or not have a problem buying her clothes!?!?!?

Monday, August 22, 2016

I have a kindergartner!?!?!?

The day I have always dreaded as a parent is finally here.........Grey started kindergarten!!!!! I am thrilled though, because he LOVES it!!!! He tells me everyday how much fun he has and all the things they do. I am so happy that he loves school so much. He has the sweetest, most loving heart of anyone I know. I love his innocence and am proud to be his mother everyday. I pray he keeps his love of learning and goes far in life.

 Grey and his teachers Mrs. Robin Andd Mrs. Sara. He is at Pleasant Hill Elementary.

 Can I tell you how sad this picture makes me!?!? I am so proud of the young man he is becoming, but I'm also a little sad that he's not my baby anymore. Even though he tells me he'll never, ever leave me  :)

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more place you will go."
Dr. Seuss

Thursday, April 28, 2016

RSV Season

I'm trying to back up some, but on January 2 Grace was admitted to LeBhenour Children's Hospital. She had RSV, which is an upper respiratory infection. It's a bad cold, but an infant can't fight it off. She was just 3 months old. She almost had to be put on the ventilator, praise God she didn't have to be. It was pretty scary and I am so thankful it's just a memory.

And Then There Were 3

And just like that, I am a mother of 3. Grace Helen Luther is 7 months old. She was born on September 24, 2015 at 12:48 am and weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces . She was 10 days early and she came pretty fast! Me and Kenny had to RUSH to Methodist Germantown and it was probably the fastest we had ever made it there. She weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces, I don't have little babies.

She is the most beautiful little girl and I couldn't imagine anything more perfect. As much heartache as I have been through, these 3 beautiful, healthy children make it all better. They have given me purpose.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Has it really been almost a year!?!?!?

It's been almost a year since I have updated and what a difference a year makes! In just a few short weeks, we will be welcoming our 3rd child, and's a GIRL!!!! We are so excited and so blessed to be having another baby. Grace Helen is already so loved! I thank God to that he has trusted me with these 3 beautiful beings. I will do everything in my power to love them and take care of them. I never want them to feel unloved. Even in the darkest days and when they hate me and Kenny sooooo much, we will love them.

Gibson started prek2 on August 18 at Desoto Hills. I was nervous he would cry or be scared of a new place, but he loves it already and has no fear! I prayed for his teachers because he's a little spit fire! He is very independent but at the same time, he's still a mama's boy when he needs me.

Grey is in his 2nd year at Southaven's votech prek program. He loves it also, but I think sometimes he would rather stay with me all day! He's my sensitive, loving baby. This pregnancy has been a little harder on me, and he tells me he's ready for her to come so I won't hurt anymore. I adore his loving nature. He loves going out front and riding his bike with the neighborhood kids! We have great neighbors and now they are all in to playing with their friends! Me and Kenny aren't good enough anymore! Ha!

                                                                   1st day of school!!!!

                                                                    Summer 2015

                                                        27 weeks pregant with Grace Helen

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Late post, AGAIN! Story of my life!

Instead of me writing everything that has happened in the past few months, I'll just post pics. Things that are most recent though are:
1. Gibson is my wild child. He is in to everything. He is a climber, which scares the daylights out of me. 
2. Gibson eats anything and everything.
3. Grey started pre3k this year! He is at the SHS votech. (wayyyyy cheaper than any place else)
4. Grey is learning something new every day, and is so excited about it! We'll see how long his love of schools lasts.
5. Kenny's last day at work was October 3, on Friday. His 1st day at home, ALONE, with Gibson was yesterday. No one was hurt, and no one died. I'd say it was a great day!
6. We have now been in our house a year, and it has been a dream every day we have been there. 
7. Our 1st beach trip with the boys was at the end of August. We went to Orange Beach, and it was SO much fun! Already planning our next trip! Grey is not a huge fan of water, so it takes him a minute to get comfortable. He loved the beach though! Gibson loves it!
8. The terrible 3's have MOST DEFINITELY hit the Luther household. Grey has been off the chain lately with his little attitude!
9. Gibson says mommy, daddy, HOTTY TODDY!, bye bye, and tons of other things! He is repeating everything lately! He is hilarious! He loves running around naked after his bath.
10. Kenny's band, Ordinary Citizens, are officially done this month. :(
11. Gibson turned 1!!!! And finally started walking a few after. Both boys waited until they were a year to walk. 
12. Grey played tball for the first time. We should've waited until he was older. He was NOT a fan. He wanted to sit with me, or go play. I don't blame him! Ha! It was a good experience though. So cute watching them at that age run around and having no clue what they were doing.
13. Grey STILL sleeps with us. I hope he reads this when he's older because he is a total mama's boy :) He still rubs my fingers when he's tired. He has become scared of everything lately! I can't even leave the room.

 Pictures from this summer

Orange Beach trip!

1st day of Pre3k

Gibson's 1st Birthday!!!!


Friday, May 2, 2014

Life is good

It's been an awesome past few days.

Gibson took his 1st steps and Grey pooped in the potty! That's HUGE in our house, no pun intended.

I only have about 3 weeks left of school and then SCHOOL'S OUT, FOR SUMMER!!!!!! I can't wait to see what it has in store for us this year. I'm so excited to sleep late (late is 8am!, hopefully) and just hang out with the boys.

Gibson will be 1 in a few weeks. I still can't believe how fast time goes the older you get. I pray I can take the time to stop and enjoy everything.

Gibson and the Home Depot Easter Bunny! Grey refused

A few pictures from Cedar Hill Farm

These are the faces I get for pictures now........

My absolute, favorite picture EVER!!!! It's so cute how they are looking at each other and smiling.

Easter Sunday

Easter at Memaws

Random, but he stole my lemon.......he's a true Stump now!

Gibson and daddy